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危害人類罪或反人類罪 Crimes against humanity


Crimes against humanity

Not to be confused with War crime.
Crimes against humanity are widespread or systemic acts committed by or on behalf of a de facto authority, usually a state, that grossly violate human rights. Unlike war crimes, crimes against humanity do not have to take place within the context of war, and apply to widespread practices rather than acts committed by individuals.[1] Although crimes against humanity apply to acts committed by or on behalf of authorities, they need not be official policy, and require only tolerance rather than explicit approval. The first prosecution for crimes against humanity took place at the Nuremberg trials. Initially being considered for legal use, widely in international law, following the Holocaust a global standard of human rights was articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). Political groups or states that violate or incite violation of human rights norms, as found in the Declaration, are an expression of the political pathologies associated with crimes against humanity.

Messages In This Thread
危害人類罪或反人類罪 Crimes against humanity - by 陪瞓導師 - 12-27-2022, 01:47 PM
[No subject] - by 陪瞓導師 - 12-27-2022, 01:47 PM
[No subject] - by IamHK - 03-06-2023, 06:02 PM

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