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諾貝爾和平獎推薦香港人, HK people nominated for Nobel peace prize - Printable Version

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諾貝爾和平獎推薦香港人, HK people nominated for Nobel peace prize - 300B - 02-01-2018


雙學三子 獲提名諾貝爾和平獎

[ 本帖最後由 后太禧慈 於 2020-8-28 12:08 編輯 ]

- 300B - 02-02-2018


諾貝爾和平獎推薦香港人, HK people nominated for Nobel peace prize - noChina! - 10-16-2019

Hong Kong people nominated for Nobel peace prize
[Image: mfile_1486451_1_L_20191016115557.jpg]
Two million people were said to have marched through the streets of Hong Kong on June 16 against the government's extradition bill. File photo: AFP

A Norwegian member of parliament says she has nominated the people of Hong Kong for next year's Nobel peace prize.

Guri Melby, a Liberal Party politician in Oslo, said Hongkongers "risk their lives and security every day to stand up for freedom of speech and basic democracy" and she hopes her move will be further encouragement to the ongoing movement.

In a post on social media, Melby said that what the people of Hong Kong are doing matters far beyond the SAR itself, and affects the region and the entire world.

Norway's Aftenposten newspaper reported that the MP added that she hopes protesters will continue their fight in a non-violent way.

Towards the end of last month, Melby had visited Hong Kong where she was briefed on the latest situation by IT sector lawmaker Charles Mok and Civic Party legislator Dennis Kwok.

Last year, a US congressional group nominated Occupy protest leaders Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow and the entire 2014 umbrella movement for the peace prize.

Members of national assemblies form a large part of the list of people who are allowed to make nominations for the prestigious award, with others including university professors and previous winners.

When it comes to the eligibility criteria for being nominated, the Norwegian Nobel Committee, which selects peace prize laureates, only stipulates that people cannot nominate themselves.

A total of 301 nominations were made for this year's prize, which went to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who had made peace last year with the country's bitter foe, Eritrea.

[ 本帖最後由 noChina! 於 2019-10-16 03:27 編輯 ]

- noChina! - 10-16-2019

挪威議員提名全體香港人 競逐 2020 諾貝爾和平獎 盼鼓勵繼續「非暴力方式」抗爭
[Image: w644]
今早,美國眾議院會議上全體議員一致同意 (unanimous)通過《香港人權與民主法案》,為不少努力抗爭的港人打了一支強心針。此外,挪威國會自由黨議員 Guri Melby 昨日(15日)亦宣布已提名全體香港人競逐 2020 年的諾貝爾和平獎,希望可以藉此鼓勵港人繼續以「非暴力方式」進行抗爭。

挪威自由黨成員 Guri Melby 昨晚在Facebook 發帖表示,自己已提名香港人競逐 2020 年的諾貝爾和平獎,「因為他們正在爭取自己的基本權利,例如言論自由、民主以及法治」。她又指香港人所做的遠遠超過為了香港本身,而是影響著世界其他地區的。她強調,「我的主要目標是鼓勵運動,並鼓勵港人繼續以非暴力方式抗爭」。

根據挪威當地媒體《Aftenposten》報道,Melby 認為整場運動並無領袖,而所有行動討論及決定均在線上討論區中進行,因此 Melby 選擇提名全體香港人,並非獨立一兩個人。Melby 又指自己上周身處香港,認為港人都很友善地向她強調這是一場屬於人民的運動。她重申,港人的抗爭值得諾貝爾和平獎。


[Image: AAIRk0Q.img?h=1080&w=1438&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f&x=802&y=391]
[Image: AAIRsLg.img?h=1129&w=1271&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f&x=457&y=252]
香港「反送中」運動風波不斷,不過美國眾議院昨(15)日帶來好消息!全體議員一致通過「香港法案」。另外,挪威女議員Guri Melby宣布,已提名冒險捍衛自由民主的「香港人」競逐2020年的諾貝爾和平獎。


對此,挪威自由黨議員Guri Melby在推特宣布,她已提名香港人競逐「諾貝爾和平獎」。她指出,香港市民每天冒著生命危險,捍衛言論自由和民主,他們正爭取自己的基本權利,因此值得拿下諾貝爾和平獎。她希望這個舉動可以鼓舞香港人民,以「非暴力」的形式抗爭。

根據《Aftenposten》報導,Melby認為整場運動並無領袖,所有行動討論都在線上討論區中進行,因此 Melby 選擇提名全體香港人,並非獨立一兩個人,這是一場屬於香港人民的運動,他們為了命運自決及捍衛其政治體制的權利而戰,她強調,港人的抗爭值得諾貝爾和平獎。


[ 本帖最後由 noChina! 於 2019-10-16 03:30 編輯 ]

- noChina! - 10-16-2019


【抗暴之戰】挪威議員提名港人競逐和平獎: 每天冒生命危險捍衞言論自由和民主

【諾貝爾獎2019】特朗普恨拎和平獎 專家卻看好羅冠聰?
港雨傘運動雙學三子 獲提名諾貝爾和平獎

- noChina! - 10-16-2019

鼓勵和平抗爭 挪威議員提名香港人角逐2020諾貝爾和平獎
早在6月中,便有外國媒體記者稱讚香港人和平示威的表現,表示「應得諾貝爾和平獎提名」。挪威國會自由黨議員梅爾比(Guri Melby)昨日宣布已提名全體香港人角逐2020年諾貝爾和平獎,希望可以藉此鼓勵港人繼續以「非暴力方式」進行抗爭。




挪威議員提名全體香港人 競逐 2020 諾貝爾和平獎 盼鼓勵繼續「非暴力方式」抗爭
[Image: 71755291_10157403417906422_4310573102619...1200x0.jpg]

今早,美國眾議院會議上全體議員一致同意 (unanimous)通過《香港人權與民主法案》,為不少努力抗爭的港人打了一支強心針。此外,挪威國會自由黨議員 Guri Melby 昨日(15日)亦宣布已提名全體香港人競逐 2020 年的諾貝爾和平獎,希望可以藉此鼓勵港人繼續以「非暴力方式」進行抗爭。

挪威自由黨成員 Guri Melby 昨晚在Facebook 發帖表示,自己已提名香港人競逐 2020 年的諾貝爾和平獎,「因為他們正在爭取自己的基本權利,例如言論自由、民主以及法治」。她又指香港人所做的遠遠超過為了香港本身,而是影響著世界其他地區的。她強調,「我的主要目標是鼓勵運動,並鼓勵港人繼續以非暴力方式抗爭」。

【香港人權法】挪威議員提名香港人 競逐下屆諾貝爾和平獎

挪威自由黨議員梅爾比(Guri Melby)在Twitter表示,已提及每天冒着生命及安全風險,以捍衞言論自由及基本民主權利的香港人,競逐2020年諾貝爾和平獎。梅爾比指,希望藉此鼓勵這場示威運動。


【香港人權法】萬一特朗普拒簽香港人權法 國會可怎做?

【香港人權法懶人包】美國眾議院通過4項涉中港動議 人權法加辣更嚴厲


今年諾貝爾和平獎由埃塞俄比亞總理艾哈邁德(Abiy Ahmed)奪得。委員會讚揚他在解決與鄰國厄立特里亞(Eritrea)邊境衝突中所採取的果斷措施,推動和平及國際合作。


[ 本帖最後由 noChina! 於 2019-10-16 04:05 編輯 ]

HK people nominated for Nobel peace prize 香港人角逐諾貝爾和平獎 - 來佬人 - 03-02-2020

Hong Kong people nominated for Nobel peace prize
2019-10-16 HKT 11:55

A Norwegian member of parliament says she has nominated the people of Hong Kong for next year's Nobel peace prize.

Guri Melby, a Liberal Party politician in Oslo, said Hongkongers "risk their lives and security every day to stand up for freedom of speech and basic democracy" and she hopes her move will be further encouragement to the ongoing movement.

In a post on social media, Melby said that what the people of Hong Kong are doing matters far beyond the SAR itself, and affects the region and the entire world.

Norway's Aftenposten newspaper reported that the MP added that she hopes protesters will continue their fight in a non-violent way.

Towards the end of last month, Melby had visited Hong Kong where she was briefed on the latest situation by IT sector lawmaker Charles Mok and Civic Party legislator Dennis Kwok.

Last year, a US congressional group nominated Occupy protest leaders Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow and the entire 2014 umbrella movement for the peace prize.

Members of national assemblies form a large part of the list of people who are allowed to make nominations for the prestigious award, with others including university professors and previous winners.

When it comes to the eligibility criteria for being nominated, the Norwegian Nobel Committee, which selects peace prize laureates, only stipulates that people cannot nominate themselves.

A total of 301 nominations were made for this year's prize, which went to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who had made peace last year with the country's bitter foe, Eritrea.

【逃犯條例】挪威議員提名香港人角逐諾貝爾和平獎 (18:15)


挪威自由黨成員Guri Melby表示,她提名香港人角逐諾貝爾和平獎,是因為他們正為言論自由、民主和法治等基本人權而戰,港人所做的事不單影響香港本身,亦影響世界其他地方。她在提名辭中指出,香港的學生、教師、政客以至每個香港人,都冒着生命危險維護言論自由和民主,國際社會必須顯示他們認可(acknowledges)港人的爭鬥,以及支持這些原則。由於反修例示威「無大台」,所有行動討論和決定是在網上進行,Melby因此決定提名所有香港人而非個別的人角逐和平獎。

Melby表示,她近期曾到訪香港,對警暴(police brutality)感到震驚,同時對示威者的勇氣留下深刻印象。她憶述,在香港曾與她對談的人都強調,反修例運動是「人民的運動」,故她強調是次諾貝爾和平獎提名是歸於香港的「反修例運動」。她指出,港人提醒世人尊重國際條約、憲制原則、民主和言論自由的重要性,對和平的貢獻相當大(considerable),因此應獲諾貝爾和平獎。

[ 本帖最後由 來佬人 於 2020-3-2 07:17 編輯 ]

- 來佬人 - 03-02-2020

2020.03.01 15:26


挪威議員梅爾比(Guri Melby)去年10月已預告要提名「每天冒生命危險捍衞言論自由和民主」嘅香港人競逐本年度諾貝爾和平獎,阿峯今日喺facebook傳來喜訊,話Guri Melby日前已正式交咗相關提名畀諾貝爾委員會。

阿峯話,暴政當前,香港同國際社會保持連結好重要,佢好感謝Guri Melby一直關注香港人權狀況,為香港人向國際社會發聲,又讚揚挪威一直喺捍衛人權同言論自由嘅表表者,重申「我們不會忘記手足、不會忘記暴政警暴」。梅爾比去年10月中曾到香港,表示關注警暴問題,對抗爭者嘅勇氣印象深刻。

【Emily】挪威議員確認 已提名港人競逐和平獎

正喺北歐訪問嘅民主黨立法會議員許智峯,噚日同挪威國會議員Guri Melby會面,引述對方確認已提名港人角逐諾貝爾和平獎,阿峯話感謝Guri Melby一直關注香港人權狀况,為港人向國際發聲。

阿峯喺fb貼相,兩人手持寫有「自由」嘅tee,阿峯話件tee其實係去年5月全國人大委員長栗戰書出訪挪威時,Guri Melby著住喺國會門外抗議,最終佢因而被拒進入國會大樓。二人合照嘅位置,就係Guri Melby被拒進入國會嘅位置,阿峯話佢哋拎住件tee喺度,係希望講番專制政權對國際社會嘅威脅同橫蠻。

- 來佬人 - 03-02-2020

Hong Kong pro-democracy movement nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
6 February 2020 12:00

US Senator Marco Rubio and Representative James McGovern have nominated Hong Kong pro-democracy movement for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize.

The co-chair and chair of Congressional-Executive Commission on China sent the Nobel Peace Prize Committee a nomination letter for the city’s “impressively organized and coherent, yet notably leaderless and flexible” protest movement. The prize, they said, shall honour “millions of people in Hong Kong whose bravery and determination have inspired the world.”

Protests erupted last June over a now-axed extradition bill. Demonstrators are continuing to demand an independent probe into the police conduct, amnesty for those arrested and a halt to the characterisation of protests as “riots.”

Other commissioners, including representatives Chris Smith, Thomas Suozzi, and Tom Malinowski, and Senators Jeffrey Merkley, Steve Daines, and Todd Young, also signed the nomination.

In the letter, they said Hongkongers “demonstrated civic courage, extraordinary leadership, and an unwavering commitment to a free and democratic Hong Kong that upholds the rule of law and fundamental human rights and freedom” and like Liu Xiaobo, made sacrifices to speak up for human rights.

Liu Xiaobo was sentenced 11 years of imprisonment on charges of “inciting subversion of state power” and passed away in custody in 2017. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 to honour his “long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China” in absentia and the prize was presented to an empty chair at the ceremony. His widow Liu Xia was under house arrest for years since his death.

The letter said the US and UK “suspended the sale of police and crowd control equipment to Hong Kong” and the government has “used excessive and unnecessary” to crack down peaceful protests.

I have nominated the people of Hong Kong, who risk their lives and security every day to stand up for freedom of speech and basic democracy, to the Nobel Peace Prize for 2020 I hope this will be further encouragement to the movement: #StandWithHongKong https://t.co/HffCZcbwfc

— Guri Melby (@gurimelby) October 15, 2019

Last year, Norwegian lawmaker Guri Melby also nominated Hongkongers for the prize as “further encouragement to the movement”.

- 大金龍 - 08-28-2020

香港人獲提名諾貝爾和平獎 王毅警告勿干涉中國內政


被問「香港人」獲提名諾貝爾和平獎 王毅警告不要干涉






[ 本帖最後由 大金龍 於 2020-8-28 12:13 編輯 ]