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**Rental Agreement **
19. May I run a business out of my Condominium Apartment?

You may only use the Condominium Apartment as a private residence, unless you have first obtained our written
approval, which we may give or withhold in our sole discretion, subject to applicable law. You shall not use your
Condominium Apartment as a business address or conduct business activities on the Premises. Conducting
business activities includes, without limitation, using the Premises as a mailing address for a business enterprise,
having business clients meet with you at the Premises, assembling or manufacturing any product upon the Premises,
or otherwise holding out the Premises as the address of any business. You may, however, insofar as it is consistent
with the restrictions set forth in this Paragraph use a portion of your Condominium Apartment as a “home office.”
Nothing in this paragraph, however, shall be deemed as disallowing any use of your Condominium Apartment that
cannot be prohibited legally.
20. What if I don’t follow the rules and regulations?

As noted in the answer to Question 22 below, violations of any rules and regulations are a default under the Lease
and, in addition to any other rights we may have, we have the right to terminate the Lease and take possession of
the Condominium Apartment in accordance with applicable law. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
Lease, under no circumstances are you entitled to a cure period for a violation of law or any criminal activity.
21. What if my guests or other Occupants don’t follow the rules and regulations?

You are responsible for the behavior of your guests, invitees, pets and other Occupants of your Condominium
Apartment. We have the right to exclude from the Community any person who violates any of the rules and
regulations or who unreasonably disturbs other residents or any of their guests or invitees or any of our employees
agents. In addition, we may exclude from any common area of the Community a person who refuses to show photo
identification or refuses to identify himself or herself as a Resident, Occupant, or a guest, agent or invitee of a
specific Resident.
Default Provisions

22. When will I be in default under this Lease?

You will be in default under this Lease if you do not timely comply with any of the terms of this Lease, including
without limitation Document 4 (the Community Policies) as amended from time to time, subject to any notice or
cure periods identified on Document 3 (the Community Specific Terms).
Any failure by Owner or Manager to require strict compliance with any provision of this Lease or to exercise any
rights arising hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of Owner's or Manager's right to subsequently enforce such
provision or insist upon such right. Acceptance of rent shall not act as a waiver to enforcement of any prior breach
of the lease, local, state or federal law.
23. What are the consequences of being in default under this Lease?

If you are in default, we have many remedies under this Lease, including the right to terminate this Lease. In
addition, you agree to pay us all costs and fees, including attorney's fees, litigation and collection costs that we incur
in enforcing our rights under this Lease, to the fullest extent to which we are entitled to collect such sums from you
under applicable law.
If you do not pay Rent as required by this Lease, or you are otherwise in default, and we recover possession of the
Condominium Apartment, whether by an eviction proceeding or otherwise, you will remain liable for our actual
damages due to your breach of this Lease. Actual damages may include, without limitation, a claim for Rent that
would have accrued through the end of the Lease Term or until a new tenant starts paying Rent under a new lease
for the Condominium Apartment, whichever occurs first. If, in an effort to mitigate our damages, we reasonably
re-rent your Condominium Apartment at a lower rental rate, actual damages for which we seek reimbursement may
also include the reduction in rent we receive during the remainder of your original Lease Term.
If at any time you are in default under this Lease, or have given us good cause for your eviction pursuant to
applicable law, we are entitled to reenter the Condominium Apartment as permitted by applicable law. If you
continue to occupy the Condominium Apartment we are entitled to proceed by a summary dispossession
proceeding, or by any other method permitted by applicable law, and to remove all persons from possession of the
Condominium Apartment as permitted by applicable law.
24. Who is responsible for paying for utility services to the Condominium Apartment?

We will pay for the utility services to your Condominium Apartment that are marked "yes" on the Summary under
"Owner Utility Obligations" and the costs for those utility services are included in your Base Rent. You will be
responsible for paying costs for or associated with all other utility services ("Utility Charges"), as described below.
You understand that we are not a utility company and you agree that we are not liable for any inconvenience or
harm caused by any stoppage or reduction of utilities beyond our control.
25. How will I be billed for utilities that are not included in my Base Rent?

For each utility that is not included in your Base Rent, you will be charged for the availability and/or usage of the
utility through either "Direct Utility Billing" or "Allocated Billing", as described more fully below as additional
(i) Direct Utility Billing - The utility provider will bill you directly on a separate metering and billing basis.
It is your sole responsibility to initiate such service in your name before accepting the Condominium
Apartment (or after we discontinue service), and to terminate the service prior to vacating the Condominium
Apartment. Your community consultant can provide you with information about local utility companies and
how to initiate service. If you fail to initiate such service in your name, we may bill you (either directly or
through a billing company with which we have contracted) for any utility service you receive which is
charged to us. Such bills may include a reasonable administrative fee as additional rent. You hereby
authorize us to serve as your agent to receive copies of your utility billing records directly from the utility
(ii) Allocated Billing - We or our billing agent will allocate and bill you directly for a portion of the
utility charges we incur for the whole Community, with your allocated portion determined on a
sub-metering, square footage or other billing basis, as described in more detail under "Utility Billing
Methodology" on Document 3 (the Community Specific Terms). If sub-metered, additional information is
contained in the attachment to this lease called California Water Sub-Metering Disclosure. Such bills may
include an administrative fee from our billing agent.
In the case of Allocated Billing, your community consultant can share with you the approximate Utility
Charges for utility service for your Condominium Apartment based on historical amounts, but we cannot
guarantee what your charges will be and they will vary based on the factors described on Document 3 (the
Community Specific Terms).
In the case of Allocated Billing, subject to applicable law, we may modify the Utility Billing Methodology by
which your allocated portion of the bill is determined for any utility during the term of this Lease by
providing you with at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice of such modification.
This includes, but is not limited to, submetering the Condominium Apartment for certain utility services. All
amounts due from you for Allocated Billing, determined as provided on Document 3 (the Community
Specific Terms), must be paid by the due date specified on the bill. In addition, failure to pay a bill for Utility
Charges from us when due will be failure to pay Rent, triggering all of our remedies for non-payment of Rent
set forth in this Lease and under applicable law. You agree that, unless prohibited by applicable law, we will
subtract from your security deposit the amount of your final bill for Utility Charges and unpaid balance due.
You agree to pay all Utility Charges during the term of this Lease, including any utility deposits. Further, to the
extent permitted by law, if you fail to pay Utility Charges, and we are assessed by the utility company for these
Utility Charges, then we may pay these assessments to such utility company and subtract a like amount from your
Security Deposit and/or you will be responsible for paying such amounts, including an administrative charge.
Further, if you fail to pay Utility Charges, and power to your Condominium Apartment is cut off by the utility
provider, you will be in default under this Lease.
You acknowledge that we are not a utility company and we are not responsible for the supply of utility services or
water to your Condominium Apartment, even for those services for which you are billed on an Allocated Billing
basis. In the event of interruption or failure of utility or water service provided to the Community by the local
utility or water company, including but not limited to an inadequate supply, poor pressure and/or poor quality, you
will look solely to the local utility or water company for any damages you incur and you waive any claim against
us, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
26. Do I have to contact any utility companies?

Yes. You must contract directly with the appropriate utility company for each utility service not provided at our
expense (i.e., marked "no" under "Owner Utility Obligations" on the Summary or otherwise discontinued by us
during the term of the Lease).
Care of my Condominium Apartment and Responsibilities Relating to my Condominium Apartment and Community
27. Should I inspect my Condominium Apartment when I move in?

Yes. At the time you first occupy your Condominium Apartment or within five (5) business days after your MoveIn Date, you should complete an itemized "Move-In Inspection Report" (on a form provided by us) detailing any
damage to your Condominium Apartment existing at the time you move in. Both you and we will initial the
completed form and you may keep a copy. Completing this Move-In Inspection Report will protect you and help
ensure that you are not charged on move out for any damages to the Condominium Apartment that existed before
you moved in.
If you do not complete and return the Move-In Inspection Report within five (5) business days after your Move-In
Date, we may treat such failure as your representation to us that there are no damages and defects in your
Condominium Apartment and you will be responsible for paying the cost to repair any damages found after you
move out. Such costs may be deducted from your security deposit and, if not sufficient to cover the damage, you
will be financially responsible for the rest. If you do not complete and return the Move-In Inspection Report within
five (5) business days after your Move-In Date, we may treat such failure as your representation to us that there are
no damages and defects in your Condominium Apartment and the cost to repair any damages found after you
move out will be deducted from your security deposit. If we disagree with any damages or defects you list on your
Move-In Inspection Report, we will let you know within five (5) business days after we receive the completed
Move-In Inspection Report from you. Additionally, simply noting items on the Move-In Inspection Report does
not mean that we agree to repair them. All maintenance requests must be made separately.
28. Will you provide me with light bulbs?

When you move in, we will furnish light bulbs and tubes of prescribed wattage for the light fixtures located in your
Condominium Apartment. After that date, you agree, at your expense, to replace light bulbs and tubes in your
Condominium Apartment.

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