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**Rental Agreement **
Owner’s and Manager’s Responsibilities Relating to my Condominium Apartment and the Community

39. What are the obligations of the Owner with regard to the Community?

We will maintain all common areas of the Community in a clean and sanitary condition, make all reasonable repairs
and comply with all applicable Federal, state and local laws with respect to such areas.
40. Are the Manager and Owner responsible for my personal security or the security of my property?

Except for our legal obligation not to act negligently in the operation and maintenance of the Community, you
agree and acknowledge that we are not responsible for the safety or security of you, your property or your
household members, guests, agents and invitees. This means that, in general:
• We are not responsible for property damage or personal injury resulting from the criminal
activities of other residents or third parties.
• We do not warrant, imply or guaranty that access controls, alarm systems, devices, or security
personnel employed at the Community, if any, will be operable at any given point in time or will
discourage or prevent breaches of security, intrusions, thefts or incidents of violent crime. We reserve
the right to reduce, modify or eliminate any access control, alarm system, device or personnel at any
time and you acknowledge that any such action will not be a breach of any obligation or warranty on our
You agree to notify us promptly in writing of any problem, malfunction or failure of lights, door locks, window
latches, controlled access gates, intrusion alarms, and other access control system. You acknowledge that you have
received no representation or warranties, either express or implied, as to any security or access control system at the
Community. We have not in any way stated or implied to you that the security of any person or property was or is
provided or that the Community and/or surrounding neighborhood has been or will be free of crime. Neither the
Manager nor the Owner will be liable to you based on any claim that security or an access control was not provided,
except as otherwise provided by applicable law. You hereby release and hold the Manager and the Owner harmless
from claims arising out of criminal acts of other residents and third parties.
Registered Sex Offenders Notice: Pursuant to Section 290.46 of the Penal Code, information about specified registered
sex offenders is made available to the public via an Internet Web site maintained by the Department of Justice at Depending on an offender's criminal history, this information will include either the address
at which the offender resides or the community of residence and ZIP Code in which he or she resides.
Since the information in the Megan’s Law database is equally available to you and us, and we cannot discriminate
against registered sex offenders pursuant to Penal Code Section 290.46 et seq., we have not made any inquiry of any
applicant or resident as to whether he or she is a registered sex offender. You are advised to take whatever
reasonable and lawful actions you believe necessary to protect household members or guests against any potential
harm. This includes talking to any children or individuals with a diminished capacity about how to deal with
strangers and similar topics. You are hereby advised that we may not notify you if we learn or are advised that a
registered sex offender is living in the Community. The existence of registered sex offenders in the Community is
not grounds for terminating this Lease.
41. What are your policies surrounding infectious disease such as COVID-19 and any other health emergencies?

We have the right to make changes to the Rules and Community Policies in response to COVID-19 or any other
health emergency. This right includes, but shall not be limited to, requiring that all residents wear face coverings
when in the common areas and amenity areas, limiting the amount of people that can congregate in common areas
and amenity areas, limiting the number and frequency of guests within the Community, limiting the number and
frequency of guests that may visit individual Units, restricting access to the amenities, requiring that residents,
occupants, and guests “social distance,” and any other restrictions or rule changes that may be recommended by
health authorities. We have the right to implement said restrictions even in the event that the same are not
recommended by health authorities if we, in our sole discretion, believe the implementation of said restrictions would
increase the safety of the Community, or would otherwise be beneficial as a result of COVID-19 or any other health
emergency. We have the right to implement said restrictions to reduce our own liability or on the advice of counsel in
the event of COVID-19 or any other health emergency.
In the event we implement said restrictions, you shall not be entitled to any abatement of Rent, concession, or any
other any other damages of any kind whatsoever as a result of these restrictions. The implementation of these
restrictions shall not permit you to terminate the Lease early.
Violation of any of these restrictions, either by you, your occupants, or your guests, shall be considered a breach of
this Lease, and we shall have the right to take any legal action to remove you, your occupants, or your guests, from
the Condominium Apartment and/or the Community.
You agree to hold us harmless and waive any liability we may have in the event you, any occupants, or any guests
contract COVID-19 or any other communicable disease while in the Condominium Apartment, another
Condominium Apartment, or the Community. You further agree to hold us harmless and waive any liability we
may have for any damages or injury sustained, even including death, resulting from COVID-19 or any other
communicable disease, unless the direct cause of said death and/or injury is directly caused by our gross negligence
or the gross negligence of our agent, if any.
42. When can the Manager or the Owner enter my Condominium Apartment?

We or our agents may enter your Condominium Apartment for any reason allowed under California law during
normal business hours, unless you agree to an entry at other times. Reasons for entry include, without limitation, to
make necessary or agreed repairs, decorations, alterations or improvements, supply necessary or agreed services, and to
show the Condominium Apartment home as allowed under applicable law. We will provide notice to you before
entering your Condominium Apartment except (i) in cases of emergency, surrender, or abandonment of the
Condominium Apartment; (ii) when performing work at an agreed upon approximate date and time in response to a
service request made by you that requires entry into your Condominium Apartment, or (iii) if you consent to entry at
the time of entry.
43. How will you treat the personal information I provide to you?

A. It is our policy to generally maintain any information you provide to us in a confidential manner. However, you
are advised, and you acknowledge, that, subject to applicable law,
i. we may share your information with business partners,
ii. we may share your information, including payment history, with one or more Consumer Reporting
Agencies as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and
iii. our standard practice is to disclose information contained in our lease files regarding you or this Lease
in response to a request for information from a governmental or municipal administrative agency or
law enforcement agency.
B. In addition, you are advised, and you acknowledge, that, subject to applicable law, we will release information
regarding you or this Lease in the following situations:
i. where you have agreed in writing to the release of such information,
ii. in connection with the filing of negative credit report information, as permitted by applicable law, as a
result of your failure to pay any amount owing hereunder,
iii. where necessary for Owner's or Manager's accountants, attorneys or insurersin connection with their
business operations and performance ofservices, and/or
iv. pursuant to subpoena, court order, applicable law or regulation or governmental request.
C. You promise that all information you provided to us on your rental application or otherwise was given
voluntarily and knowingly by you and is accurate. If we subsequently discover that any information is not
accurate, we have the right to terminate this Lease upon at least three days' written notice to you. You represent
and warrant that you are not listed on the list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons
(SDNs) issued by the Office of Foreign Asset Controls (OFAC). If you are or become listed on OFAC’s
list of SDNs at any time during the term of your Lease, this Lease will become null and void. In case of
bond-financed or affordable housing communities, you further
i. certify the accuracy of the statements made in the Income Certification,
ii. agree that the household income, household composition and other eligibility requirements are deemed
substantial and material obligations of your tenancy,
iii. agree that you will comply promptly with all requests for information from the Developer, the Trustee,
the Authority and any other Regulatory Agency, and
iv. agree that your failure or refusal to comply with a request for information will be a violation of a
substantial and material obligation of your tenancy.
Your failure or refusal to comply with these provisions is a material breach of this Lease and gives us the right to
exercise all available remedies against you, including the right to evict you, subject to applicable law.
44. Are there any other limitations on the liability of Owner and Manager or indemnification obligations by me?

Yes. You agree that the Owner and the Manager, and their affiliates and their respective directors, officers,
employees, agents, stockholders, members and partners or their successors or assigns (collectively with the Owner
and the Manager, the "Owner/Manager Affiliates") will not be liable to you, your household members, guests,
invitees or agents for any damage or loss to property or injury to persons caused by other residents of the
Community or by any other persons, except as required by law. To the extent permissible by
law, you indemnify and agree to defend and hold the Owner/Manager Affiliates harmless from and against all claims
for damages or loss to property or injury to persons arising from your use of your Condominium Apartment or the
Community, or from any activity, work or thing done by you, your household members, guests, invitees or agents or
by any pet in or about the Condominium Apartment or the Community (including legal fees and court costs we
incur). This indemnity by you covers any claims for damages or loss to property or injury to persons arising from or
based upon any potentially health-affecting substances or forms of energy brought or allowed to be brought into the
Community by you or your household members, guests, invitees or agents, or by any other person living in,
occupying or using your Condominium Apartment.
The Owner/Manager Affiliates will not be liable for personal injury or damage or loss of your personal
property (furniture, jewelry, clothing, automobiles, food or medication in the refrigerator, etc.) resulting
from theft, vandalism, fire, water, rain, snow, ice, earthquakes, storms, sewage, streams, gas, electricity,
smoke, explosions, sonic booms, or other causes resulting from any breakage or malfunction of any pipes,
plumbing fixtures, air conditioner, if applicable, or appliances, unless it is due to our negligent failure to
perform, or negligent performance of, a duty imposed by applicable law. The Owner/Manager Affiliates will
not be liable to you due to any interruption or curtailment of heat, hot water, air conditioning, if applicable,
or any other service furnished to you, except as provided by applicable law. You may not withhold any
Rent, nor will Rent be abated, as a result of such interruption or curtailment. In no event will the
Owner/Manager Affiliates be liable, at law or in equity, for indirect, incidental, special, punitive or
consequential damages, however arising, whether based on contract, tort, warranty or any other legal
theory, even if the Owner/Manager Affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Your obligation to indemnify, defend and hold the Owner/Manager Affiliates harmless includes, but is not limited
to, liabilities arising from the use of the amenity areas and health facilities, if any, at the Community, by you, your
household members, guests, invitees and agents and other persons you allow to use such areas or facilities. Except
as required by applicable law, none of the Owner/Manager Affiliates will be liable for any claims, causes of action
or damages arising out of personal injury, property damage or loss that may be
sustained in connection with the amenity areas and health facilities either by you or by any persons you allow to use
such areas or facilities. You and any person you allow to use such areas or facilities assume all risk in using such
areas and facilities and confirm that approval from a physician, if warranted, has been obtained.
45. Whose responsibility is it if I ask one of Owner’s or Manager’s employees for extra help?

We encourage you to hire professionals for your needs beyond those provided by us as your landlord. However,
we recognize that there may be occasions when you ask our employees to render services, such as moving
automobiles, handling furniture, cleaning, or any other services not expressly contemplated in the Lease. We and
our employees are not obligated to render any such personal service. However, if an employee does assist you
with any such kind of service the employee will be deemed to be your agent or employee (and not ours) with
regard to that service, regardless of whether payment is made for such service, except as otherwise provided by
law. To the extent permissible under applicable laws, you indemnify and hold Owner/Manager Affiliates harmless
from all losses they may suffer under such circumstances.
Matters Relating to Moving Out
46. *** NA
47. What if I want to end my Lease early but I make this decision after the first thirty days?
We may offer an option if you want to end your Lease before the current Lease End Date. If you want to end your
lease early you may make us an offer to change the Lease End Date to an earlier date. To be effective your offer
must provide a 30-day written notice to terminate and must include payment of an Early Termination Charge. The
Early Termination Charge is an amount we set and may change from time to time in our sole discretion. Your
termination notice will not be effective unless accepted by us in our discretion and accompanied by the Early
Termination Charge. If we accept your offer, we will change your Lease End Date and retain the Early
Termination Charge. Your offer will not be accepted if you are in default. During the notice period you must
comply with all other terms of the Lease, including timely payment of Rent prior to the new Lease End Date and
you must vacate the Condominium Apartment on or before the new Lease End Date. You will remain liable for all
Rent and other sums that arise before the new Lease End Date or that arise on account of your residency with us or
your failure to pay us any amounts owed.
If you vacate your Condominium Apartment prior to the current Lease End Date or we terminate your Lease as a
result of a default by you, but you and we have not chosen to take the option to change your Lease End Date, or if
you fail to pay the "Early Termination Charge", you will remain liable for Rent through the original Lease End Date
or until the date a new resident occupies and begins paying rent for your Condominium Apartment. By entering into
this Lease you have committed to pay Rent through the Lease End Date. You may also be liable for any rent damages
we may incur, which may include the difference between your Rent and the market rent for a new lease for your
Condominium Apartment, if lower. In addition, if you received a concession, a pro-rated portion of this will be
billed back to you. We will use reasonable efforts to rent your Condominium Apartment in order to minimize the
damages caused to us by your default, but we will be under no obligation to encourage prospective residents to rent
your Condominium Apartment in preference to other vacant Condominium Apartments.
48. Will I have to pay back any concessions I received?
Yes. Lease concessions, if any, that you received on entering into this Lease are contingent upon your fulfilling all
of the terms of this Lease through the original Lease End Date. If this Lease is terminated for any reason prior to
the original Lease End Date, including, but not limited to, your default or early termination of this Lease, then you
will be obligated to pay back to us a pro rata portion of any Lease concession received by you.
49. Are there any special rules for members of the military/Foreign Service?
Yes. If you are or become a member of the Armed Forces on active duty, a member of the State National Guard serving
on full-time duty, or a civil service technician with a National Guard Unit, and receive change-of-duty orders to depart
from the local area for longer than ninety (90) days, or you are relieved from such duty, you may terminate this Lease
by giving thirty (30) days’ prior written notice, provided you are not otherwise in default. As a condition to such
termination, you must provide us with a copy of the official orders which warrant termination of this Lease. Military
orders authorizing base housing in the local area in which the Premises is located do not constitute change-of-duty
under this paragraph. This right to terminate without penalty is also extended by statute to eligible members of the
Foreign Service of the Department of State/U.S. Agency for International Development/Department of
Commerce/Department of Agriculture/U.S. Agency for Global Media.
50. What if I don’t move out by the Lease End Date?
As noted in the answer to Question 6 above, we may allow you to remain as a Month-to-Month resident. However,
if we do not choose, in our sole discretion, to let you remain, you will be liable for our direct and consequential
damages, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees as permitted by applicable law in connection with your holding over
and with our actions in obtaining possession of the Condominium Apartment as a result of your holding over.
51. When should I turn in my keys?
When you vacate your Condominium Apartment (after having given us the notice required in accordance with the
terms of this Lease) you must deliver your keys to us. Do not leave the keys in your Condominium Apartment. If
you do not deliver the keys to us at the end of your lease term (or notify us in writing that you are unable to do so
because your keys are lost) then, at our option, the Lease will continue in full force and effect until such time as you
deliver the keys to us (or notify us in writing). In such event you will continue to be liable to us for the payment of
Rent and all other obligations under this Lease, subject to applicable law. Delivery of your keys to us before the end
of your lease term will not terminate this Lease.
52. Do I have to clean the Condominium Apartment when I leave?
When you leave the Condominium Apartment, it must be clean and in the same condition it was in when you
received it, except for ordinary wear and tear and for damage caused by fire or other casualty that was not your fault
or the fault of your household members, guests, invitees, agents or pets. If not, you will be required to pay the cost
of (1) labor for cleaning the stove, refrigerator, kitchen, bathroom and other parts of the Condominium Apartment
(including carpet cleaning), (2) removing trash or other property left or abandoned in or around the Condominium
Apartment, (3) painting the Condominium Apartment to cover dirt or stains beyond ordinary wear and tear or paint
installed by you, (4) removing wallpaper you installed, (5) repairing or replacing any portion of the Condominium
Apartment or our property that was damaged, removed or altered in any manner, (6) repairing, replacing or restoring
personal property, and (7) any other work that is required to return the Condominium Apartment to the condition it
was in when you received it, subject to ordinary wear and tear. We may deduct these amounts from your Security
Deposit, subject to applicable law.
53. What is “ordinary wear and tear”?
While it would be impossible to provide every example of ordinary wear and tear, the basic idea is that ordinary
wear and tear is the level of wear on the Condominium Apartment that could be caused by a reasonably careful
occupant of the Condominium Apartment over the course of a lease term if (i) no accidents occurred (e.g., spills on
carpets) and (ii) the Condominium Apartment, including its appliances and fixtures, were thoroughly cleaned at the
end of the lease term to the condition in which it was delivered to you. Ordinary wear and tear, for which you will
not be charged, includes, but is not limited to, such items as wear on the carpet in high traffic areas, curtains or
paint faded by the sun. Damages for which you will responsible, on the other hand, include such things as stains
and rips in the carpet, rips in curtains, marks on walls, missing or broken mini blinds and light switches, and baked
on debris on kitchen appliances. You may want to consult with the leasing office at the Community regarding
move out procedures and advice with respect to inspections and deductions.
54. What if I leave my personal property in the Condominium Apartment when I move out?
If you leave items of personal property in or around your Condominium Apartment after the term of this Lease has
ended and delivery of possession has occurred, or if your Condominium Apartment appears to be abandoned, your
property will be considered abandoned and we may sell or dispose of it in accordance with applicable legal
55. How will you provide notice to me when it is required?
We can give you written notice by (a) personal service to you, or (b) posting the notice on your Condominium
Apartment door and mailing a second copy or © delivery to someone of suitable age and discretion and mailing a
second copy, or (d) where permitted by law, by sending you an email. Notices for rent increases and entry may be
serviced personally or sent by first class mail. You will be deemed to have received the notice given in any of
these ways, whether or not you actually receive the notice. Please note that our primary means of communication
with our residents, except where otherwise required by law, is email. Therefore, it is very important that we have a
current and correct email address for each Resident. If you do not have an email, please let us know and check in
with the office to see whether any email communications have gone out that you should be aware of. By signing
this Lease, you expressly permit us, our agents and assignees, including but not limited to debt collection agencies
retained by us for collection work, to use an automated dialing device to place calls to cellular devices owned or to
be owned by you.
56. How should I provide formal legal notice to you?
Any notice from you to us must be in writing and may be given by (i) mailing it to us at the Community address,
or (ii) delivering the notice to the Community Manager or Customer Service Manager at the Community's leasing
office during normal business hours. You agree that we may (but are not obligated to) treat notices and requests
from any Resident as notice from all Residents and Occupants.
57. Are there any third party rights that could affect the Community or my Condominium Apartment?
a. Condemnation: If the whole or any part of your Condominium Apartment is taken by condemnation
or under the power of eminent domain, this Lease will automatically terminate on the date you are
required to surrender possession to the condemning authority and you will not be entitled to any portion
of the proceeds of any condemnation award or payment.
b. Sale of the Community or Your Condominium Apartment: The sale of the Community or your
Condominium Apartment, including a sale by foreclosure, will not affect this Lease or any of your
obligations under the Lease. You agree that upon the sale of the Community or your Condominium
Apartment, you will look solely to the new owner for the performance of the landlord's duties under this
Lease and will be deemed to have released the Owner/Manager Affiliates from all liabilities arising after
the date of such sale.
Upon notice of our transfer of your Security Deposit and/or Pet Deposit to the new owner, you will
look solely to the new owner for the return of the unapplied portion of your Security Deposit or Pet Deposit.
c. Subordination: This Lease, and your rights hereunder, are subordinate to all land leases, present and
future mortgages or deeds of trust, if any, affecting the Premises. We may execute any papers on your
behalf as your attorney-in-fact to accomplish this if permitted under applicable law. In
the event of any judicial or non-judicial foreclosure of the Premises, at the election of the acquiring
foreclosure purchaser, the Lease shall not be terminated and you shall attorn to the purchaser, provided
that the purchaser in that election agrees not to disturb you if you are complying with this Lease.
58. What other general provisions apply to this Lease?
This Lease (consisting of all of the documentsidentified in the Introduction) is the complete agreement between you
and us. You may not rely on any oral promises of the Owner, Manager or any other party that are not set forth in this
Lease. This Lease can only be changed by an agreement in writing, signed by you and us. This Lease will be binding
upon the successors and assigns of each Resident. Time is of the essence in your obligations under this Lease. If
permitted by law, you waive the right to a jury trial in all legal proceedings relating to your use and occupancy of
your Condominium Apartment, and you waive the right to countersue in any summary proceeding we bring. Should
a court of competent jurisdiction find any of this Lease's provisions to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such
illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of this Lease's other provisions. In addition, such illegal,
invalid or unenforceable provision shall be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make such provision legal,
valid and enforceable.
59. Do the provisions of this Lease survive the Lease End Date and/or the termination of this Lease?
Your payment obligations under this Lease, as well as your obligation to indemnify and hold the Owner/Manager
Affiliates harmless, and our rights upon any default by you, will survive the termination or expiration of this Lease.
60. If I have a disability, may I request a modification to my Condominium Apartment or the common
areas, or an accommodation to your policies, practices, or services?
Yes. The Owner and Manager want you to enjoy the use of your home, and are committed to compliance with the
provisions of the Fair Housing Act, including those provisionsrelating to reasonable modifications and
accommodations. Our policy, including details about how to requestsuch modifications or accommodations, is
described on a separate addendum to this Lease.
61. Does the Owner have the right to make any changes to my Condominium Apartment?
You acknowledge that during the Lease Term we may perform "Owner Alterations" to the Premises and the
Condominium Apartment Community. Owner Alterationsinclude, for example, maintenance, alterations, repairs, asset
preservation and improvements. You also acknowledge that you will not be entitled to any withholding or abatement of
Rent, nor will you be deemed constructively or actually evicted from the Premises based on our performing any Owner
Alterationsto the Premises or the Condominium Apartment Community, unlessthe Premises are untenantable due to
Owner Alterations. You waive any claim or cause of action against us for actual or constructive eviction or for any
damages based on Owner Alterations, except to the extent the Premises are rendered untenantable due to Owner
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Section 6 of this Lease requires you to provide advance written notice to us if you
choose not to renew your Lease.
By signing below, the tenant acknowledges understanding and agreement to the above addendum terms.
**Landlord’s Signature**
**Date**: _____________________
**Tenant’s Signature**
**Date**: _____________________
**11. Use of Garage and Backyard**
- **Restricted Areas**: The garage and backyard are not included in the tenant's rented space and are off-limits for use by the tenant and their guests.
- **Storage Prohibition**: Tenants are not permitted to store personal belongings, vehicles, or any other items in the garage or backyard.
- **Maintenance of Restricted Areas**: The landlord reserves the right to access and maintain the garage and backyard as needed. Tenants are required to ensure that these areas remain unobstructed and free of tenant belongings at all times.
- **Penalties for Violation**: Unauthorized use or storage of items in the garage or backyard will result in a penalty of $100 per day until the items are removed. Continued violations may result in termination of the lease agreement.
- **Cleanliness and Damage**: Tenants are responsible for ensuring that the areas adjacent to the garage and backyard are kept clean and free of debris. Any damage caused by the tenant or their guests to these areas will be the tenant's responsibility and may result in additional charges.
**12. Laundry Facilities**
- **Laundry Machine NOT INCLUDED**: Laundry machines are not included in this lease.  It shall not be provide on the premises for tenants.
- **Laundry Machine Payment**: IF Laundry machines on the premises are available. It may provide pay-per-use coin or credit payment as an optional.
- **Alternative Laundry Options**: Tenants are encouraged to use a laundromat or outside laundry services at resident's own cost. Landlord will NOT resposnsible or reimbuse any cost of laundry.
**13. Rental Insurance**
- **Required Insurance**: Tenants must obtain and maintain rental insurance with a minimum coverage of $500,000.
- **Proof of Insurance**: Tenants must provide proof of insurance to the landlord prior to moving in and upon renewal of the policy.
**14. Proof of Income**
- **Income Verification**: Tenants are required to provide proof of income to demonstrate their ability to pay rent. Acceptable forms of proof include recent pay stubs, bank statements, or tax returns.
**15. Government Subsidies**
- **Encouragement to Apply**: Tenants are encouraged to apply for government-subsidized housing if they are eligible. The landlord may assist by providing necessary documentation for the application process.
**16. Recycling and Waste Disposal**
- **Separate Waste**: Tenants must separate recyclables from regular trash and dispose of them in the designated recycling bins.
- **Penalties for Non-Compliance**: Dumping recyclables in trash cans will result in a fine of $100 per incident. Repeated violations may lead to termination of the lease.
By signing below, the tenant acknowledges understanding and agreement to the above addendum terms.
**Landlord’s Signature**
**Date**: _____________________
**Tenant’s Signature**
**Date**: _____________________
STORAGE. Storage pods are not allowed in the parking lot or common areas. If the community has storage areas, they must
be kept clear of debris. Nothing may be stored in the storage area that will not fit in your personal space. Items placed
outside the storage area are considered a fire hazard and are in violation of the fire code. Anything found outside of your
designated storage area may be discarded. We are not responsible for stolen or damaged items. Flammable liquids or any
environmentally hazardous substance or material must not be stored in any storage area. The Community will provide
access either through an access key or fob, by appointment, or another method. Please see the Community for details
regarding access as well as hours the storage area is accessible.
WALL HANGINGS. Please use nails suitable for hanging picture frames. Please DO NOT use adhesive hangers, since they
damage the wallboard. No holes shall be driven into the cabinets, woodwork, ceiling or floors. Please do not use a nail or
any other hanger on wallpaper. Wall-mounted fireplaces or other flammable mounted devices are prohibited.
9. TRASH. Trash is not to be left outside your apartment or on the balcony or decks, and is not to accumulate in your
apartment. If applicable, trash chutes shall not be used between 10:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. Please place all trash down the
chute or appropriate trash container. Do not leave debris on the ground if these are full. Simply proceed to the next available
container to dispose of your trash. Stack newspapers neatly in the corner. Please be sure all ashes and cigarette butts are
completely out before putting trash down the chute or in the trash container. Boxes must be broken down before being
placed in the trash container, chute or other designated area. Furniture items such as desks, chairs, beds, mattresses, sofas,
etc. are not to be left on the Premises for disposal. You are responsible for the removal of these items at your own cost.
Residents not complying with these policies regarding trash are subject to being charged for the cost of each bag removed,
at the discretion of the Community Manager.
10. CLUTTER. Hallways and breezeways must be kept clear at all times. Do not obstruct them with trash, boxes, toys, bicycles,
baby carriages, plants, door mats, etc. Likewise, no such items are permitted in the parking areas, courtyards, sidewalks, or
lawns of the building. All such articles will be impounded, and a charge may be made for their return. Door mats are prohibited
as they are a tripping hazard.
PACKAGES. We are not required to accept mail/UPS/Federal Express or other packages for you. You agree not to hold us or
Owner responsible for accepting or declining packages or for other alternate delivery in the event of a loss, theft or damage to
your package, whether or not alternate delivery is provided at the Community through packages lockers or otherwise. We will
not accept certified mail on your behalf.
HEATERS. Kerosene heaters, or other heaters using combustible materials or fluids, are not permitted on the Premises.
21. COOKING. You must cook in a manner that will not offend or annoy other residents, and use the oven fans during cooking.
22. DOORS. Please shut and keep closed all doors leading from and into building at all times. We may close all such doors in the
event they are left open.
23. LOCKOUT. If you request us to unlock the door of your apartment or garage during business hours, we will gladly do so at no
charge. If you are locked out of your apartment home or garage outside of office hours, a Maintenance Associate will let you
in. You will be billed a $150 charge.
SAFEKEEPING OF ARTICLES. Our associates, other than as specifically set forth in these Community Policies dealing with
dry cleaning and packages, are not authorized to accept keys or other articles. If packages, keys, or other articles are left with
the employees of this Community, the sole risk of loss or damage is upon you.
26. BICYCLES. Bicycles are to be stored at your own risk and only in the location indicated by the Community. Bicycle storage may
require a fee. The Community will provide access either through an access key or another method. Please see the Community for
details. Bicycles are not to be stored in breezeways, if applicable. Bicycles are not to be moved through the lobby or elevators,
if applicable. The Community may require ID tags. If required, all bicycles must be tagged for identification must be displayed
and visible.
27. WIRING. Do not install any wiring in or outside of the Premises or install any aerial for television or radio on the roof or
exterior of building.
28. WEIGHT LIMITATION. Do not keep anything in your apartment that, in our sole judgment, exceeds the permissible load or
jeopardizes the safety of the floors or structure. You agree to remove immediately any such item upon demand in writing from
29. RECYCLING. You agree to cooperate with any and all recycling programs that we put in place or which are required by law.
30. EXTERMINATION. You agree to, upon our request, permit us to exterminate pests in your apartment and you will take all
stepsthat may be necessary to permit us to perform such extermination.
31. SOLICITATIONS. Door-to-door solicitation and/or circulation of any materials is prohibited. Please report solicitors to our
32. LIGHTBULBS. Electric light bulbs are supplied to each apartment home at the time of move-in. Thereafter, it becomes your
responsibility to replace all bulbs.
33. SMOKE DETECTORS AND CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. You will maintain the smoke detectors and carbon
monoxide detectors and replace the batteries when necessary.

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